The Training Network “T-NET” was founded in 1991 in Colorado, USA, with a vision to instruct North American churches in discipleship. It quickly grew into an international mission organization committed to training pastors who would have little-to-no access to training in
Bible study methods or ministry skills.
T-NET embraces a model for both equipping pastors around the world through curriculum based studies, and sharing this training with others to accelerate the spread of the Gospel; it’s called the multiplication effect.

Most pastors around the world today have never attended a Seminary or Bible School, because today’s schools and seminaries simply do not have the capacity to train all the pastors needed – there aren’t enough of them, and they are often too expensive for everyone to attend.
T-NET’s unique approach to training – through a rapidly growing multiplication effect means that pastors train other pastors who in turn train others, and so on. Practically, it means that people who enter T-NET Training Centres will be trained themselves and will be trained to train others.
Training Centres are usually established in a local church, where 25-30 pastors and potential church planters gather together to be taught and coached. Each pastor will be fully equipped, while agreeing to recruit and train other pastors just as he has been trained.

Pastors in training meet every four months for a week of intensive instruction and local church ministry assignments designed to equip them with the essential core knowledge of building a disciplemaking church, Christian theology, church planting, and practical pastoral knowledge.
Through T-NET’s partnership with Teleo University, pastors may earn
a B.A., M.A., and D.Min. degree without ever leaving their home or ministry. Those who do not wish to pursue an accredited degree for this rigorous program will be granted a Diploma upon completion