
Country Leader
Emmanuel Tarley
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Phone # – 231 8866 10515
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Apostle Emmanuel Y. Tarley Sr is senior pastor of World Miracle Church of God International, Liberia. He has been married 20 years and has a son and two adopted children. He has been involved with pastoral ministry now since the year 2000, approximately 20 years specially in Church planting both home and abroad- Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Sierra Leone. Emmanuel has spent 8 years with T-Net International. There several why Pastor Tarley has worked with T-Net International. 1. StrategyT-Net International has strategy that no Seminary or Bible School has. The strategy of “sequential Learning”. The strategy is aimed to train disciples and disciple makers in maturing them in the image of Christ. 2. Accountability: Accountability is one of the essential ingredients that enables an individual to accomplish task correctly. T- Net holds a person accountable until the task of finishing the Great Commission can be finished in one’s own congregation, country/region and the world. 3. Discipline : T-Net International teaches and practices discipline. They teach that without discipline one can’t developed a godly lifestyle. And without godliness you cannot accomplished your godly assignment . T-Net uses the process of accountability to develop discipline within her students. 4. Integrity :
The first thing that T-Net International does is to develop integrity in an individual student by using discipline and accountability. 5. Number of students in T-Net in Liberia :T-Net International, Liberia has over 500 students , 35 training centers and is planning to have 1,200 active students by the end of 2021

Teleo University
In partnership with T-Net International, Teleo University offers degrees while equipping church leaders to finish the Great Commission.
Testimonial from Pastor student
We have planted 4 branches plus two house churches.
Our total membership is now 725. When we started with T-Net in 2012, we were having only one branch and worshiping in a school building with the membership of 35 persons ,but by applying T-net strategy and principles, we planted three additional branches both in Liberia and Sierra Leone with the membership of 625 of January 2020. But even after the pandemic, we experienced an additional growth of 100 persons, and this is due to our small groups system learned from T-Net. While churches were not gathering in large number, our small groups were meeting regularly in homes, thus caused a massive growth. And currently our membership is 725.We have 23 small groups meeting every week. I learned biblical principle of giving which I taught my members, this caused our giving to increase significantly from LD $2000 per week to LD$ 25,000.00 per week. Almost 250% increase.
We also learned small groups principle that helps church to grow both spiritually and numerically. For all these reasons above make me to be involved with T-net international. Emmanuel Y. Tarley Sr
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